Time for Thorns

An independent view on life.

Archive for July 27th, 2010

DoJ whistleblower…

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Former DoJ attorney Christian Adams has just painted  another target on DoJ,  which will continue ignoring subpoenas from the Commission on Civil Rights.   And yes,  keeping dead people on voting rolls is one way to win an election.   Chicago has perfected the art.

Investors Business Daily  weighs in,  and Ted Nugent  — yes,  the rocker —- minces no words about DoJ’s real racism.

DoJ is also working to  hinder military votes.   Be sure to follow all the links.

Written by timeforthorns

July 27, 2010 at 10:03 pm

What Journolist really reveals…

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I had held off mentioning the Journolist  flap because I’ve known liberals and progressives for a long time,  and I understand how they think and behave.

But this  whiny hand-wringing from Kathleen Parker prompted me to post.   In the final paragraph she asks if we should  “resign ourselves to the new reality — that no one is ever to be trusted — and keep our thoughts to ourselves?”

She then declares  that few of us would want to live in such a country.    But why would any sane person ever trust liberals and progressives?    The only truly interesting thing about the revealed postings is that they show intellectual rigor so weak it must rely on group-think to reinforce opinions,  having proven itself unable to deal with actual facts in a rational manner.

That is why their rhetoric is heated and emotionally charged and  based on distortions and straight-out lies.   If liberals and progressives tell the truth,   people either run away in terror or attack them as enemies.    If they speak calmly,   listeners will begin to think and thus avoid developing the hysteria required to buy into utopia.    If they are rational,  they have little to say.

Their tactics are effective and often executed skillfully,  but everything associated with liberal and progressive ideology is riddled with corruption,  dishonesty,  and deception.    Those who know this and still participate are flirting with the same sort of   evil  as communists,  Marxists,   etc.,   ad infinitum,  ad nauseam.

Think about it  —  have you ever heard of any communist or socialist country where corruption is not endemic?    Of course you haven’t,  because the only way you can get ahead in such a place is to lie,  cheat,  and steal.

Written by timeforthorns

July 27, 2010 at 8:44 am