Time for Thorns

An independent view on life.

Archive for July 29th, 2010

Latest monstrosity…

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John Berlau has a very  good look at the Dodd/Frank financial reform bill and its bad effects on all of us.   While escaping from the heat,  I watched His Oneness smirk his way through his speech at the bill signing.  99% of what he said was bald-faced lies,  just as it was when he signed the health reform bill.

Christopher Caldwell has an  interesting piece on the financial insights of Raghuram Rajan,  aptly entitled  “Easy Credit, Hard Landing.”    Rest assured no liberal or progressive will read it,  much less learn anything from it.   You should do both.

Stephen Spruiell  highlights a Wall Street Journal piece reporting that the nation’s 3 dominant credit-ratings providers have made an urgent new request of their clients:  Don’t use our credit ratings!  This is merely the first  bad consequence of Dodd/Frank,  and it is already creating havoc in the bond markets,  parts of which are shutting down in response.   The raters will still participate in private transactions,  meaning  that before the ink has dried,  we are getting he exact opposite of the bill’s intended efforts at transparency and openness.

Terrence Jeffrey notes the  discrimination required by the legislation.   Gold coin sellers have discovered how the new law affects them,  and they  don’t like it.   Nobody who deals in raw materials will like the  “conflict minerals” provisions sneaked into the legislation.   Duncan Currie says the sole winners are the regulators.

Written by timeforthorns

July 29, 2010 at 11:55 pm

Kerry pays up…

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“Live-shot”,  aka  Sen.  John Kerry,  got  caught docking his luxury yacht in Rhode Island,  instead of his home state of Massachusetts,  which has an enormous sales tax.   I can tell you that every boat owner on the East Coast avoids the high tax situations by various means,  because they don’t like paying big taxes either.

What got Kerry in trouble was lying about it.   Come to think of it,  that habit has gotten Kerry in trouble for a long time,  hasn’t it?   But fortunately his second wife inherited an awful lot of money from her first hubby,  so Theresa can fork over once again to smooth out John’s problems.

Written by timeforthorns

July 29, 2010 at 11:39 pm

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Scientific silence…

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Having undergone serious whitewashes to be absolved of committing junk science,  climate scientists are now  being warned not to talk to the press.   It’s t0o dangerous for these over-educated crooks to actually face questions from nosy reporters lacking the scientific knowledge to understand their answers.

Considering what we  now know about the IPCC in particular and the UN in general,  this is probably a wise move.    Dr. Ball reveals in simple terms some of the worst scientific frauds this bunch has committed,  so if you read it,  you’ll know far more than your Congress critter does.

Written by timeforthorns

July 29, 2010 at 8:06 am