Time for Thorns

An independent view on life.

Archive for October 23rd, 2019

Such hate…

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Victor Davis Hanson is a classical historian,  an excellent author,  and a keen observer of mankind.   In  this article  he explains why Donald trump is so hated.   First,  you must remember that the Left believed 16 years of Obama and Hillary would permanently change America,  and forever crush conservatism.    Hillary failed,  so the Democrats and the media proclaimed that Trump would fail,  then set about trying to make it come true.   Never forget that We the People are the real targets of the Left,  but they have to go through Trump to reach us.   They resent every win we have and deny that Trump had anything to do with it.  I know liberals who insist that the economy improved under Obama and he should get all the credit because Trump’s policies and programs are racist and destructive.  People like Candice Owens and Lloyd Marcus terrify them because they fear black Americans will leave the government plantation which has done so much to destroy the black family.

It is your job to understand their goals,  to arm yourself with real facts and fortitude, and fight back at every opportunity.




Written by timeforthorns

October 23, 2019 at 1:34 pm