Time for Thorns

An independent view on life.

Archive for December 22nd, 2009

Griffith switching…

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Rep. Parker Griffith,   who represents a north Alabama district, will announce that he is switching parties to become a Republican.

If you’re Nancy Pelosi,   you wouldn’t take this as an excellent Christmas gift,  would you?   It would appear that at least some Democrats have detected wind currents with the potential to blow them straight out of office.

UPDATE: Michael Barone takes  notice of the defection.

Written by timeforthorns

December 22, 2009 at 4:35 pm

Poor Michelle…

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I found this column quite amusing   —   a writer for Salon fretting that Michelle Obama has been changed by the image consultants  who realized that a sulky nag didn’t really suit Americans as First Lady.

Ms. Harding need not worry.   I am quite sure that Our Lady of Perpetual Dissatisfaction remains an aggrieved black woman who pretends she had a poor childhood,   that she was performing public service for more than a quarter million a year while dumping unprofitable patients on other health care providers instead of her own hospital, and that she wasn’t a fashionista until she hit the White House.

Unfortunately,  her sense for good governance and democracy is as skewed as her fashion sense.    She won’t be satisfied until her husband creates the sort of America she wants to live in  — –  one where she and her radical friends and radical husband can make everyone dependent on the government they control for survival.

Written by timeforthorns

December 22, 2009 at 4:35 am

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